Fantasia's Jamaican Black Castor Oil is a natural emollient that's extremely rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, encouraging healthy, hair growth. It's hydrating, nourishing and cleansing...
This unique blend of Jamaican Black Castor and Tea Tree Oils adds moisture, helping to prevent a dry, itchy scalp. Strengthening properties encourage hair's resistance to breakage and frizz. Leaves...
This potent oil is effective for treating dry, damaged hair, regrowing and strengthening hair, and is a proven natural treatment for acne. It also works well for lengthening and thickening eyebrows...
IC Fantasia Feather lite formula does not weigh the hair down for easy styling, Hair will be detangled and smooth to the touch.castor oil serum is not oily or greasy, and is ideal for all hair types...
Sunny Isle Extra Dark Jamaican Black Castor Oil Extreme Hydration and Detangling Conditioner are infused with Rosehip and Sesame Seed Oils essential to the overall health of the scalp and hair,...